TERBARU! Kunci Jawaban SOAL Bahasa Inggris Akademik Polri, Contoh Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri 2022-2013

TERBARU! Kunci Jawaban SOAL Bahasa Inggris Akademik Polri, Contoh Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri 2022-2013

4 Tips Lolosa Wawancara Pantarlih Pemilu 2024 Desa dan Kelurahan, Lengkap dengan Kumpulan Soal Pertanyaan Wawancara dan Jawaban-Dylan Gillis/PIXABAY-

11. It can be concluded from the text that ….
A. Adisucipto Airport will be closed after the incident
B. Because of the incident, Garuda Indonesia redirected Yogyakarta flights to Surakarta permanently
C. Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to yogyakarta
D. Garuda Indonesia had been finished evacuating its plane when this news was reported
E. There are a lot of passengers were harmed due to that accident

Jawaban: C

Pernyataan yang bisa disimpulkan dari teks adalah pada pilihan (C), Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to yogyakarta. Pernyataan tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan dalam teks yang menyebutkan, “The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta.”

12. The reason why Garuda Indonesia diverted Yogyakarta flights to Surakarta is because of ….
A. Maintenance one of Garuda Indonesia’s aircraft
B. The accident of its plane which slipped on the runway lane
C. Many flights in Adisucipto Airport
D. The statement of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communications
E. The evacuation of Garuda Indonesia’s aircraft

Jawaban: B

Alasan Garuda memindahkan penerbangannya ke surakarta adalah kejadian tergelincirnya pesawat di landasan bandara.
Dalam teks disebutkan , “…Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted its flights intended for Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway lane on Wednesday night.”

Text for number 13 - 15

Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, our earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human like technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smartphone or listen our favorite radio broadcast by streaming it in our tablet.

With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children well- being
Although internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its disadvantages.

13. The aim of the writer to convey two side opinion about internet is ….
A. To be in positive side of the internet
B. To underline his own stance about internet
C. To make the readers know about the opinion of the issue of internet
D. To take one side about the internet
E. To understand about internet

Jawaban: C

Tujuan penulis dalam teks tersebut adalah untuk menyodorkan dua pendapat mengenai topik atau isu khususnya tentang internet. Maka jawaban yang sesuai dengan tujuan tersebut adalah pada pilihan jawaban C. Pada jawaban A, hanya dikemukakan sisi positif mengenai internet. Pada pilihan B, hanya menyodorkan pendangan sendiri tentang internet, maka pastilah hanya sisi positif atau negatif saja yang akan dikemukakan. Pilihan D, hanya mengemukakan satu sisi tentang internet. Pilihan E, untuk mengetahui atau memahami tentang internet.

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14. Which one of the statement is TRUE about the disadvantages of internet?
A. It streams our favorite radio
B. It allows us chat with our relatives
C. It helps us to communicate far away
D. It exposes children to sexuality contents
E. It helps us to send email through smartphone

Jawaban: D

Pernyataan yang benar mengenai sisi negatif internet adalah internet mengekspos konten- konten kekerasan dan seksual yang tidak cocok untuk anak, maka pilihan D merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Pilihan A, bahwa internet untuk mendengarkan radio melalui siaran streaming adalah sisi positif. Pilihan B, internet untuk mengobrol dengan keluarga adalah sisi positif, pilihan C, bahwa internet untuk berkomunikasi jarak jauh juga merupakan sisi positif dan Pilihan E, internet membantu mengirim email juga merupakan sisi positif.

15. One of them is children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that only suitable for adults”

The underlined word is the closest in meaning to ….
A. Revealed
B. Protected
C. Concealed
D. Veiled
E. Hidden

Jawaban: A

Sinonim atau makna sama dari kata exposed adalah revealed, yang artinya mengekspos.
Protected : melindungi
Concealed : menyembunyikan
Veiled : menutupi
Hidden : menyembunyikan

Text for number 16 - 18

Police are still looking for eight missing crew members of a boat, which was carrying staple food that sank in waters off the coast of Bangka Belitung on early Wednesday morning.
Adj. Snr. Comr. Purwoko, head of the Bangka Belitung Water Police, said that the search team was having difficulties with strong winds and high waves in the area. There were 12 people on the boat.

"Four of them have been taken to the hospital," he said as quoted by tempointeraktif.com.
Purwoko said that the boat was on its way to Pangkalanbalam Port, Bangka, from Jakarta when it sank 15 kilometers from the port at around 1 a.m. (dre)

16. The news is about ....
A. strong winds and high waves in Bangka Belitung waters.
B. eight missing crew members of a boat in Bangka waters.
C. four missing crew members of a boat accident in Bangka waters.
D. Adj. Snr. Comr. Purwoko, head of the Bangka Belitung Water Police.
E.. twelve people missing in an accident near the coast of Bangka Belitung.

Jawaban: B

Teks berita tersebut adalah tentang delapan kru kapal yang hilang dalam tenggelamnya kapal di perairan Bangka Belitung hari Rabu pagi. Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf pertama (Police are still looking for eight missing crew members of a boat, which was carrying staple food that sank in waters off the coast of Bangka Belitung on early Wednesday morning.).

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17. It can be stated from the text that ....
A. the boat sailed from Surabaya to Pangkalanbalam Port carrying staple food
B. there were more than twelve crew members missing on the boat
C. the search team faced strong winds and high waves in searching the missing crew members
D. the missing crew members had been found and taken to the hospital
E. four missing crew members were on a boat when the accident happened.

Jawaban: C

Bisa disimpulkan dari teks bahwa tim pencari menemui angin yang kencang dan ombak yang tinggi. (paragraf kedua)

18. "...which was carrying staple food that sank in waters off the coast of Bangka Belitung..."
What does the underlined word mean?
A. drowned
B. appeared
C. emerged
D. showed
E. stared

Jawaban: A

Kata yang digaris bawah 'sank' berarti sama dengan kata 'drowned' (tenggelam).

Text for number 19 - 20


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